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Alice Guitton Biographie

Alice Guitton: A Trailblazer in International Relations

A Distinguished Career in Public Service

Alice Guitton, a highly accomplished public servant, has dedicated her career to fostering international cooperation and advancing global affairs. As Director-General of International Relations and Strategy at the Ministry of the French Republic, she has played a pivotal role in shaping France's foreign policy and promoting its interests.

Educational Background and Formative Years

Guitton holds an impressive academic background, graduating with honors from the prestigious École Nationale d'Administration in Paris. Her early upbringing and travels abroad instilled in her a deep understanding of different cultures and a passion for global affairs.

Director-General of International Relations and Strategy

As Director-General, Guitton leads a team responsible for developing and implementing France's foreign policy across a wide range of issues, including diplomacy, trade, and security. Her expertise has earned her recognition as a skilled negotiator and a respected voice in international forums.


Alice Guitton's unwavering commitment to international relations has made her a respected figure on the global stage. Her leadership, diplomatic skills, and dedication to building bridges between nations leave a lasting impression and inspire all who work with her. As she continues her invaluable work, we eagerly anticipate the contributions she will continue to make to the world.
