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Share Your Memories And Connect With Other Fans

Welcome to the England Lionesses Fan Group!

Share Your Memories and Connect with Other Fans

We are thrilled to welcome you to our vibrant fan group. As passionate supporters of the England Lionesses, we invite you to join our community and share your unforgettable memories, insights, and experiences.

Join the Conversation

Feel free to connect with fellow fans, engage in lively discussions, and keep up to date with the latest news and updates on our beloved Lionesses. Your contributions will help strengthen our bond and create a thriving environment for all.

Let's Grow the Lionesses Legacy

Together, let's continue to amplify the remarkable achievements of the England Lionesses. By inviting more football enthusiasts into our fold, we aim to inspire and grow the next generation of fans and supporters. Let's show the world the unwavering spirit and unwavering passion that fuels our love for this exceptional team.

Our Lionesses: Ready to Conquer

As the Lionesses prepare to face France in an electrifying match, we stand united in our unwavering support. Tune in live on ITV4 at 8:00 PM to witness the brilliance of our fearless players. Let's roar with pride and cheer them on every step of the way.

Stay Connected

Stay informed and engaged by following us on Facebook, our official home for the England Women's National Team. Together, we will create an unforgettable journey filled with passion, camaraderie, and the indomitable spirit of the England Lionesses.
